
Our book club all started when Kim said to Jessica one Sunday at church, "I hear you are starting a book club." So Jessica replied, "I will if you pick the first book." And so it began. Sometimes we are few in number. Other times we fill every seat and ottoman. Only a handful of us are original to the group.  We have said goodbye to many friends that moved away and welcomed new friends with new books to share.  We read books from every genre: fiction, young adult, fantasy, nonfiction, classics, memoir and more.

If you are new to our book club or interested in how we run things, here are our guidelines:

  • Each month we send an evite and ask everyone to RSVP.  This a courtesy for the hostess to know how many to prepare for. We meet the fourth week of the month at 8:00 pm. If there is a holiday or some other conflict that affects everyone we can make a change, but rescheduling is very difficult.

  • We do not meet in the month of December because it is just too crazy. We usually do not meet in the summer months because vacations, etc.  
* This is a new rule, but we happily have so many coming to book club, limits must be made.  If you do not RSVP for two consecutive book clubs, we will remove you from the email and evite list. (I know it sounds so harsh, but come on people, just check the box "no" if you can't make it or at least a "maybe".)
  • Who hosts?  Who chooses the book?  You will sign up for a month to choose a book and lead the discussion. You will host the book club at your home that month. When you lead the discussion, it is helpful to jot down some of your thoughts or discussion questions and maybe some page numbers as you preview your book.  Others are encouraged to do the same even if they aren’t leading. The book selections are scheduled for the year ahead. This way if something comes us, anyone of us can be prepared to host. If you would like to lead, but can't have the group at your home, just let us know. Someone is always happy to host.
  • Food is lovely, but not required. Some people get very themey with the food, which is great, but we have no expectations. You can even ask us all to bring a dish if you want. 
  • Most of us are moms, and even though we love them, children are not welcome at book club. They are so adorably distracting. We do make an exception if you are nursing a baby who cannot take a bottle at home during book club. 
  • We try our best to read books of appropriate content (think PG-13 if you were giving the book a movie rating). We do not require that you choose a book you have already read, but please read reviews or get recommendations from people you trust. 
  • If you would like to invite someone to join book club, please talk to our book club director, Bethany. We love having new people, but since we gather in homes we have to keep the numbers to a living room size. Just ask if there's room for another in book club before extending an invitation.

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